Scroll Do Scroll… Until what..?

Theory of Satisfaction
5 min readOct 31, 2020

Do you know?

The latest 2020 data reveals that,

“In every second, eleven people use social media for the first time”.

“ The daily time spent on social networking is increasing gradually in every year.”

Do you know when you use social media? Do you know why you use social media? The majority of the answers to these questions are “No”. Just compare the time you spend on social media with other activities in your lifetime. Below chart which is based on real data, shows a high-level comparison of time vs activities in a lifetime.

Data Source:

The time we spent on social media in our lifetime is roughly equivalent to the summation of the time we spent on eating & drinking, shopping and socialising in our entire lifetime.

If someone asks, is it bad to use social media? what would you say? Your answer depends on how far you know what social media is. If you don’t know what makes us, to be on social media, then your answer would be a big


But when you start to realise the science behind what people are kept online in social media platforms, your “Yes” become smaller, smaller and it will turn in to “No”

The point your answer changes from “Yes” to “No” is when you realise that it’s not you who are using the social media, it’s the social media platforms who makes you, to be online. When you understand that bitter truth your smaller “No” becomes a bigger


Have you ever thought what makes you keep scrolling on social media? If you have been following the other blog posts written here you may have a clear idea on what we are doing in this world. To give a quick summary of those posts, everyone is looking for something in this world. That’s what keeps us running after different goals on our lives. And what we’ve been seeking is the ultimate satisfaction.


With the rapid development of advanced technology and the adaptation of social media, it seems they have understood how to give satisfaction through social media platforms.

We humans always think money gives us happiness, or breathtaking views, melodic sounds (music), comforting smells, tasty foods and soft-touch gives us happiness. And also we think money, social status, the power keeps us happy.

If you study deep, you will realise the electronic platforms can give you views (pictures and videos) and sounds (music, speeches etc.) only. But in social media is capable of giving what we want to see and what we want to hear. So only the likeable views and sounds get to appear in our social media platforms. So we’d love to be there because it gives us what we like. And if we see or hear what we don’t like, we can forbid that forever. In another sense, we are the controller of our destiny. Therefore we keep liking social media.

We talked about what we get from social media. But there’s another main aspect, what we post in our social media. Here though we can post only photos/videos and sounds only, we try to build something intangible in those posts, like: I’m wise, I’m posh, I’m rich, I’ve visited this place which is popular, not everyone can reach, etc. On the other hand people posts about helping people, humanitarian work to the society, simple life in a rural area, etc. It doesn’t matter the post is about an expensive thing or about a simple/easy thing, it’s about what exactly the publisher tries to imply through the post.

After publishing the post, the publisher is waiting…

He is eager to see what other people think about it, through likes and comments. Physiologically our brain is waiting for more likes and comments.
Especially, for the popular publishers, it’s not the contents of the comments but the number of likes and number of comments only. The problem in social media is, due to those factors we get addicted to being online on these platforms. We kept notifications on, not because it’s provided by the platform but because we are addicted to getting notified. Imagine, what would happen if Facebook removes notification feature in their next release.

Early days, people used to check mails, in the post box once a day and read newspapers in their free time to know the news, to know the current political situation, to know the weather. But now for everything we go to social media because it has everything. And since these platforms send notifications, you always check the devices for the notifications. Without knowing we are addicted to these.

Relating to science, social media has started to create a chemical message called dopamine along in the human mind, which makes us feel good. Before social media, this dopamine effect was noticed with food, exercise, love, sex, gambling, drugs, etc. Now the same can be seen in the usage of social media. The main issue in social media is, when comparing with the other activities, we have more and quicker access to social media. It’s almost 24x7. We sleep with the phone and wakeup with the phone, not like drugs, not like sex this is worse.

Scroll do scroll…
Until you found,
What you’ve been seeking for.

If you’ve found it one day,
You won’t scroll on the following day…!


You do scroll every day
and every day..,
Because you’ve not found
what you’ve been looking for.

Unfortunately my dear friends,
You are seeking, what you are looking for
in the wrong place…!

So you won’t find what you’ve been looking for
In any book of faces,
any gram of insta,
any tube of you,
and et cetera…!
You are just doing a charity work
making the platform rich
by being online and active on them.
And unconsciously,
you are trapped and spending hours
seeking what you are looking for
In another wrong place…!



Theory of Satisfaction

Life is a race of seeking satisfaction, but we are seeking it in the wrong place.