Everyone in the world wants to live their lives happily. This happiness differs from one to another. I assume, what Hitler wanted and what you want is completely different. Whatever everyone wants they think, they can be happy by getting what they want.
Let’s learn the basic truths of the world.
Truth №1

All of us are seeking satisfaction in our lives. No matter its a kid or an adult seeking the satisfaction is what we do in different scopes. Kids go to school because they want to satisfy? No no, kids don't want to go to school, parents want kids to go to school because the parents think if their kids get a good education they will be happy. So parents want to be happy by making their children happy. Meanwhile, kids want to play because playing brings happiness to them.
If you think deeper you’ll realise just being happy doesn’t complete your life but the satisfaction is. Then why are we looking for happiness, instead of satisfaction? It’s simply because we think happiness provides satisfaction but it is not. As a result, we keep running after happiness thinking we’ll get satisfied one day.
But there’s a trap when we are happy we feel good, so we think happiness is a path to satisfaction. Therefore everyone keeps running after happiness because everyone wants to be satisfied. In the end, all we’ve done in our lives are seeking satisfaction in different ways.
Truth №2

All of us are running after happiness by trying to own the materialistic thing in the outer world. Why education is so important? Because when you are well educated you can earn decent money. Why people do try to start a business? Because they can earn money. All most everyone in the world tries to earn money to spend a better life. Some others try to get happiness by trying to get more power or higher status.
Now let’s analyse this point bit further. Everyone running after the outer world things to be happy. This implies everyone thinks happiness is something which contains in the outer world things. That’s why we keep running after buying expensive things, buying nice, fancy, decent… clothes. That’s why guys keep running after the pretty ladies, and gals after handsome guys. That’s why we keep active in social media. Because we think those outer world things or activities produce happiness.
Think, if the happiness is generated from the outer world thing (eg: car, a pretty lady, etc.) everyone can be happy by owning the same thing. As an example, everyone should love the same car, the same lady, etc. But that’s not how it is. People be happy with things which are different from each other. Someone is happy by marrying an opposite-sex person while some others are happy by marrying a same-sex person.
Why the things which bring happiness to people are different from each other?
Because those things can’t produce happiness. If I repeat, outer world things don't produce happiness, but we think they do, and we keep running after those to be happy. If those produce happiness then everyone should be happy with antiques. As an example, we know some people collect old cars. If old cars produce happiness then everyone should love to collect cars, but the reality is different. Many can’t stand the old cars, they just want the latest and after they used it they just throw it away or sell it. Therefore it's very clear that outer world things can’t produce happiness.
But then 🤔 why we feel happy when we get something we want from the outer world?
Let’s find out 🧐 why…? with Truth №3.
Truth №3

As stated in Truth №1, all of us are seeking one thing in life that is “Satisfaction”. Our mind makes us fools by making us think, that happiness is what provides the satisfaction we want. But if it does then why we are still doing the things that we like, again and again? As an example, we have a favourite food, and we keep having it again and again. When we have it we feel happy. But does it make us satisfy?
If we are satisfied, then why we want it again and again? Satisfy means you don’t want it anymore, because you have reached the maximum. When considering this, you should realise that though we keep running towards happiness thinking we will be satisfied it’s not something we can achieve. It’s like the carrot and stick phenomenon.

Therefore expecting satisfaction from happiness is not a wise thing to do, though every one of us is doing it every day.
When the donkey is wise enough to realise the reality it will stop what it’s been doing for a long time. Same applies to us. When we realise (not just knowing it) we are the donkey in the journey of seeking satisfaction (the life) we’ll stop being donkeys and be wise humans.
To answer the question, why we feel happy when we get something we want from the outer world?
That is because we get cheated when we get what we want from the outer world. We think the outer world objects contain the satisfaction we want, and when we get an outer world thing (that we expected) we think we get the satisfaction that we’ve been seeking for. And at that point, we feel happy. But with the time we realise that the outer world object hasn’t given the satisfaction we want. Below example would explain this clearly.

Until time makes us understand that either wife or car has not made us satisfy, we very well take care of those. With the time the caring get lowered. Why? Because with the time we realised that we haven't got satisfied with the car or the wife. But if you remind your self how you behaved the first time you got your wife or the car, you were very happy and you very well took care of those. That’s because you thought you got the things that would make you satisfy. But that’s just a poor and false assumption you made. And your happiness was totally based on that false assumption. With the time you realise that and as a result, now the wife has to open her own door and get into the car 🤭
Truth №4

As explained in the Truth №3, happiness gets generated as a result of a misunderstanding. That is, the outer world objects or things can satisfy you. But that happiness can not make you satisfied because it’s just a misunderstanding. It’s like just seeing a mirage will make you happy but when you keep getting closer to that you will realise that it’s a misunderstanding. Same goes in this scenario. The happiness which generates due to the outer world things will never make you satisfied because it’s based on the false assumption that mirage will quench your thirst of satisfaction.

..running after outer world things. Instead, understand this true nature of life, which will make you understand where is the ultimate satisfaction can be found. It resides within us, but everyone is seeking it in the wrong place (in the outer world).