Are you Satisfied..?

How old are you?
The answer is in years, isn’t it, have you ever thought your age in hours or minutes?
The purpose of this article is not to make you feel older but to make you aware about what you have been looking for many hundred thousands of minutes through out the life.
When you were a kid, you were looking for toys..? Sweets? But now its changed, you are not looking for toys any more aren’t you?

Have you ever thought why people are running after goals? why people are chasing things? Everyone is running after things from the day they born.
Kids run after toys, sweets, …
Teens run after sports, love, adventure, …
Youth run after success, money, love, freedom, better world, …
Adults run after success, money, love, freedom, …
Just think for the whole of your time you have been running after things, sometimes you could achieve it and you were happy but sometimes you couldn’t and you were sad. Whether you were happy or sad, it didn’t last for long time isn’t it. Everyone get over with sad things happened to their life with the time. Same goes for the happiness as well, as an example imagine a man met a pretty lady and they got married and the man is happy.

But is he happy for the whole time after that, no right? imagine after achieving her heart he may now focuses on his career and get failed, that again makes him sad in his life. And he can’t be totally happy though his wife is with him.
Like wise no one can be happy for ever by achieving anything.
But people think they can be happy by doing another thing and keep doing till they die.
Why is that? Why people can’t be meet the eternal happiness by achieving anything? It’s because we are looking things in wrong places -> Next Read